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DORS 1200


Product Name Universal Viewing Counterfeit Detector
Application Attachment for EQP1200 and EQP1201
Comments EQP1204 allows performing detailed visual authenticity verification of bank notes, securities, passports, excise duty stamps and other security printing documents in ultraviolet, infrared and visible spectrum with magnification 10x and more

Universal viewing counterfeit detector DORS 1200 is designed for comprehensive visual authenticity verification of bank notes and other security printing documents.

Depending on the options arrangement the device performs up to 11 types of control.

DORS 1200 has exclusively functional ergonomic design and compact size. This device differs favorably by its functionality, high effectiveness and performance quality standard.

DORS 1200 is equipped with built-in video camera with optical IR-filter, two-band upper IR-lighting, upper UV-lighting, upper oblique white lighting, bottom white diffused lighting, high-contrast colour LCD TFT-monitor 3,5” (8,9cm) and sensor control panel with light-emitting diode indicators of enabled functions.

Functional Capabilities:

- DORS 1200 major function is control of appropriateness of IR-marks location, images made by IR-metameric inks. The user places a bank note or a document on the object table of the device and observes the image, transmitted by built-in camera, on the monitor. Viewing high-contrast and sharp IR-image of the verified object, user draws a conclusion on its authenticity, basing on the knowledge of the IR-marks map. 
-  Unique DORS 1200 distinguishing feature that stands out as compared to other detectors of the same class is possibility to perform several types of control without switching modes: 
Universal viewing counterfeit detector EQP1204 is designed for comprehensive visual authenticity verification of bank notes and other security printing documents.
 Infrared and Ultraviolet control
Infrared and Transmitted white light control
Infrared and Reflected white light control

-  Unique function of transmission IR-control greatly facilitates verification of watermarks and metallized security threads, viewing their contrast image on the detector monitor. 

DORS 1200 viewing area allows checking of single banknote along with fanned out bank notes that allows secure and quick authenticity verification.
Universal viewing counterfeit detector EQP1204 is designed for comprehensive visual authenticity verification of bank notes and other security printing documents.

-  Special “M”-marks protection applied to some of the world currencies (e.g. US Dollars), securities, documents and excise duty stamps can be checked by DORS 1200 due to the two-band IR-lighting. 
-  DORS 1200 fail-safe circuit solution of the electronic ballast allows enhanced effective level and reliability of the UV and DL-lamps.
-  Upper UV-lighting with 8W total capacity allows checking absence of general luminescence background, presence of fluorescent UV-marks,threads, fibers and images. 
-  White light optical diode, placed in the upper lighting module provides verification of printing types, images made by optically variable inks in reflected oblique white light.
-  DORS 1200 bottom matt glass with lighting gives an opportunity to check presence of such protective elements as watermarks, micro perforation, fibers, matching images, location of code patterns on the face-up and reverse side of bank notes in diffused white light. 
-  Millimeter scale applied on matt glass of the device makes possible verification of size and spacing between protective elements.
-  Image parameters of brightness and contrast can be adjusted and displayed on the monitor. 
-  All functions of detector DORS 1200 are derived on the control panel with corresponding buttons, hierarchical menu is not used. 
-  User can activate auto turning-off function after the preset period of time (10/30/60 min) 
-  DROS 1200 can be power supplied from automobile adaptor for DORS detectors (optional). 

Connecting Additional Devices:

Functional capabilities of DORS 1200 can be extended by connecting additional external devices: 
  • DORS 10 Оptical magnifier with built-in White lighting;
  • DORS 15 Magnetic/Infrared marks visualizer;  
  • DORS 1010 Тelevision magnifier with built-in IR and White lighting;
  • DORS 1020 Television magnifier with built-in UV, IR and White lighting;
  • Functional capabilities of EQP1204 can be extended by connecting additional external devices:
    DORS 1200 detector equipped with optical magnifier DORS 10, television magnifier DORS 1010 or DORS 1020 allows performing detailed verification with 10x magnification: 
  • in reflected oblique white light: printing types and methods, graphical protecting elements (micro texts, micro images, etc.), latent images, security holograms, printing defects and possible erasures;
  • in reflected oblique infrared light (only with DORS 1010 and DORS 1020): checking location and border between IR visible and IR invisible images, shape and structure of IR-marks;
  • in ultraviolet light (only with DORS 1020): appropriateness of location, shape and structure of protective UV-marks – luminescence images and fibers; 
  • EQP1204 detector equipped with optical magnifier EQP1205, television magnifier EQP1203
    Types of Control:
  • Infrared control
  • Ultraviolet control
  • Transmission IR-control
  • Special "М"-mark control
  • Reflected oblique white light control
  • Transmitted white light control
  • Size control
  • Magnetic control (with DORS 15)
  • Reflected oblique white light control with magnification 10х (with DORS 10, DORS 1010, DORS 1020)
  • Infrared control with magnification 10х (with DORS 1010, DORS 1020)
  • Ultraviolet control with magnification 10х (with DORS 1020) 
  • Device Features:
  • 2 jacks for connecting DORS 10 and DORS 15 
  • 2 jacks for connecting DORS 1010, DORS 1020 or other external video source of PAL video signal
  • Monitor Color LCD TFT-monitor 3,5”(8,9cm)
    Upper Lighting

    Ultraviolet (2x4W UV-lamps 365nm)
    Oblique white (DL optical diode)
    Two-band IR (IR optical diodes 940/850nm)

    Bottom Lighting Diffused white (4W DL-lamp)
    Power Supply 110-220 V,  automobile adaptor 12-24 V (optional)
    Power Consumption

    Power consumption

    Size Width 234 mm
    Depth 152 mm
    Height 224 mm
    Net Weight 1.13 kg
  • DORS 10 Optical magnifier with built-in White lighting;
  • DORS 15 Magnetic/Infrared marks visualizer;
  • DORS 1010 Television magnifier with built-in IR and White lighting;
  • DORS 1020 television magnifier with built-in UV, IR and White lighting;
  • Universal automobile adaptor 12-24 V 